We have selected these links because we feel that they may be helpful to primary care physicians. Some of these links may also be of interest to the general public.
Consultation to Primary Care Physicians
- Sometimes a primary care physician wishes to treat a behavioral problem in his own office. We will be happy to see the patient for a single consultation or discuss the case by phone. Our staff can give a second opinion on psychiatric medication management issues.
- We can see an individual or family to help clarify issues related to medical treatment non-compliance.
- If you have a number of patients who are having difficulty coping with a particular illness, we would be willing to set up a short term group at our office.
- We also provide ongoing outpatient psychotherapy for children, adults and the elderly.
- For more details about our services, please see Philosophy and Services
Child and Adolescent Mental Health Links
- The Schwab Foundation for Learning
Information and support for parents and educators dealing with children with learning disabilities. This site has a number of links to information about ADHD and Learning disabilities. It includes educational and legal links.
- Disaster Handouts and Links
This site contains information to help the professional deal with victims of natural and man-made disasters (eg earthquakes, or mass shootings)
- Autism
This site contains descriptions of subgroups and related disorders, including Asperger’s Disorder, and other forms of Pervasive Developmental Disorder. The treatment section, mostly written by non-physicians, endorses a number of controversial treatments. Since many families will try these treatments, it is a good idea to be familiar with them.
- Links for Families and Individuals. See our other link site for a much larger collection of links to information on AD/HD, Anxiety, Depression, Bipolar Disorder, Pervasive Developmental Disorders, and Parenting.
Adult Mental Health Links
- Internet Mental Health
This Canadian site lists the major psychiatric illnesses and addresses diagnosis and treatment. It references both American and European diagnostic nomenclature.
- Dr. Ivan’s Depression Central
Dr. Goldberg is a psychiatrist who is well-known for his Internet-based psychopharmacology related sites. He also has other sites related to psychiatric issues.
- Obsessive Compulsive Disorder:
Information on Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder in adults and children. The site also contains information on other anxiety disorders.
- Sleep Medicine Home Page
Information about different kinds of sleep disorders and their treatments. Some of the information is written by lay people and some by researchers in the field.
- The Maryland Psychiatric Society Home Page.
This site contains articles from current and past issues of The Maryland Psychiatrist. It also features Find a Psychiatrist that allows physicians and potential patients to locate Maryland psychiatrists by location and area of interest.
CME Online
- Psychiatric CME
Audiotapes, conferences and other information
- NIH Consensus Statements
Search the National Institutes of Health site for their consensus statements by subject. Some include on-line free CME exam.
Substance Abuse and Addiction
- Prevention Online
This has drug abuse prevention information for both kids and adults. On the Kids’ Page, there is a link to a wonderful publication, SGR4KIDS, an anti-smoking publication.
- Go Ask Alice
This web site features questions and answers about drug abuse, sexuality and relationships from the Health Education division of Columbia University Health Services. Some of the information on this page includes some frank discussions about safe sex and other topics. Parental discretion advised.
- Cesar
The Center for Substance Abuse Research is a site sponsored by the University of MD and the Governor’s Office of Crime Control and Prevention. It includes a site with information about specific drugs, including street slang, weekly updates about the local drug abuse scene, recent legislation, and information about treatment and prevention programs.
- Join Together
This site contains a wealth of articles and legislative updates dealing with substance abuse. It also now has a section devoted to gun-related violence. In addition to articles and legislative updates related to gun violence, it has a moving photo gallery dealing with the consequences of hand gun violence.
- Dual Diagnosis
This site contains articles dealing with individuals suffering from comorbid substance abuse and mental illness.
- Treatment of Drug Dependent Individuals with Comorbid Mental Disorders
This is a NIDA monograph. You can view it or download it with Adobe Acrobat.
- Substance Abuse in Women in the United States
This is a summary of the SAMHSA’s article on women and substance abuse. Using data from SAMHSA’s National Household Survey on Drug Abuse, this new report shows trends in the prevalence and patterns of substance use and abuse among women and describes the differences in substance use and abuse between males and females.
- CDC Fact Sheet on Fetal Alcohol Syndrome
A brief patient hand out on drinking in pregnancy and fetal alcohol syndrome.
- Fetal Alcohol Support Network
Articles on the diagnosis, characteristics and educational considerations related to FAS and FAE. Information and support for birth and adoptive parents of FAS/FAE children and adolescents. Information for teachers.
- Opioid Addiction and Treatment
NIH 1997 Consensus Statement. Full statement of consensus conference available. Free CME test included.
- Interventions to Prevent HIV Risk Behavior
NIH Consensus Statement from 1997. Full text of conference, related publications, links and CME test included.
- Drugs, Brain and Behavior
This text covers issues pertaining to neurochemistry, behavioral pharmacology and psychopharmacology.
- Dr. Bob’s Mental Health Links: Bob Hsiung, MD’s page has expanded its focus but still has a number of useful links pertaining to psychopharmacology.
- Free Prescription Program
This site provides information on how to obtain free or reduced price medication for low-income patients.
- Consumer’s Guide to Managing Medication Side Effects
This site lists side effects by symptom, not by medication and suggests what one can do to minimize the discomfort and when one might want to call the doctor.
- Benzodiazepines
Information and multiple links to sites dealing with this class of medication.
- Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors
Information and links to sites dealing with the SSRIs. (Prozac, Zoloft, Paxil etc.) Another site for Information on SSRIs
- Tricyclic Antidepressants
Information and links to sites dealing with this older but still useful class of antidepressants.
- MAO Inhibitors
Discussion of the uses, benefits and cautions about taking these medications.
- Buspirone
Several short articles about this medication, some from industry, some from independent listings.
- Ambien (zolpidem)
Articles on the use and potential side effects of this medication, used most often for short-term insomnia.
- Anafranil (clomipramine)
Information on this heterocyclic medication used for Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder.
- Mirtazapine
An antidepressant with prominent sedative capacity, especially at its lower doses.
- Nefazodone (Serzone)
Antidepressant medication.
- Antabuse (disulfuran)
Brief overviews of the uses and warnings about this medication. It is most often used to help individuals with alcoholism remain abstinent.
- Bupropion (Wellbutrin or Zyban)
A medication used for depression, AD/HD and smoking cessation.
- Comparison of different SSRI Antidepressants
This interesting comparison of efficacy and side effects of different SSRI medications. Unfortunately, it does not provide primary references for some of the assertions.
- Center Watch
This is a clearinghouse for information on clinical trials of new and experimental medications. It also lists information on medications recently approved by the FDA.
FAQ about Psychiatrists and Psychotherapy
- Questions and answers about child and adolescent psychiatry explains the role of a child and adolescent psychiatrist. Pamphlet can help a primary care physician explain to a patient why he or she is being referred to a psychiatrist.
- Ask a Forensic Psychiatrist
This page is a service of the American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law. One can submit questions to their members. They make it clear that this is not intended as professional consultation or legal advice.
Mental Health in Later Life
Medical Libraries Online
- Medical Libraries On Line
This page links to a vast number of medical and other health-sciences libraries which have online URLs. A good aid to research.
- FreudNet
The Abraham A. Brill Library of the New York Psychoanalytic Institute. Articles, library and links related to psychoanalytic thinking.
- Ask Eric
Educational Resources Information Center. This excellent site, sponsored by the US Dept. of Education, links to over 30 Eric-sponsored web and gopher sites dealing with education. It includes multiple ways to search the Eric database, all from your computer!
- MEDLINE Search
The National Library of Medicine sponsors this site which includes an advanced MEDLINE Search.
- Knowlege Exchange Network
Sponsored by the US Dept. of Health and Human Services, Dept of Substance Abuse and Mental Health. This site provides information on books, periodicals, pamphlets, and mental health statistics. Includes information from 1999 White House Conference on Mental Health.
- CliniWeb Search
A service of the Oregon Health Sciences University. It allows searches for WWW pages associated with specific medical diseases.
- SERI “Special Education Resources on the Internet”
This site makes an effort to compile information useful to professionals dealing with a wide variety of special education needs. One particularly useful area is the “Disability Products and Commercial Sites”. Using these links, one can access a wide variety of links to products to help with learning disabilities and other special needs.
- The Virtual Hospital
The University of Iowa Family Practice Handbook This is an on-line primary care textbook. It includes a traditional table of contents and a search feature.
- NIH Consensus Statements
Search the National Institutes of Health site for their consensus statements by subject. Some include on-line CME exam.
“NIH Consensus Development Conferences are convened to evaluate available scientific information and resolve safety and efficacy issues related to biomedical technology. The resultant NIH Consensus Statements are intended to advance understanding of the technology or issue in question and to be useful to health professionals and the public. NIH Consensus Statements are prepared by a non-advocate, non-Federal panel of experts, based on (1) presentations by investigators working in areas relevant to the consensus questions during a 2-day public session; (2) questions and statements from conference attendees during open discussion periods that are part of the public session; and (3) closed deliberations by the panel during the remainder of the second day and morning of the third. This statement is an independent report of the panel and is not a policy statement of the NIH or the Federal Government.”
- Expert Consensus Guidelines
Information on diagnosis and treatment of major psychiatric disorders. The information is based on the opinions of national experts on the various disorders. Both psychosocial and medication treatments are discussed. There are also PDF files of family information handouts for each disorder.
- NHelp Legal Research
Links to multiple legal search sites as well as links to selected government agencies.
- FindLaw Library
Index to text of specific laws, links to other legal libraries, government agencies and legal experts.
- Medical Decision Logic
This company makes interactive diagnostic decision-making software, waiting room screening tests for patients and other practice enhancing software.
What is a Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist?
(From the AACAP Website www.aacap.org.)
March 1995
The child and adolescent psychiatrist is a licensed physician who specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of disorders of thinking, feeling or behavior affecting children, adolescents and their families. As a physician, a child and adolescent psychiatrist offers families the advantage of a medical education, the medical tradition of professional ethics, physician-patient accountability and experience in being responsible for human life.
The child and adolescent psychiatrist uses a knowledge of biological, psychological and social factors in working with patients. Initially, a comprehensive diagnostic examination is performed to evaluate the current problem with attention to its physical, genetic, developmental, emotional, cognitive, educational, family, peer and social components, arriving at a diagnosis and diagnostic formulation for the youngster, and if appropriate, the family. The child and adolescent psychiatrist then designs a treatment plan which considers all the components and discusses these recommendations with the child or adolescent and family. An integrated approach may involve individual, group or family psychotherapy; medication; or consultation with other physicians or professionals from schools, juvenile courts, social agencies or other community organizations, often involving other progessional disciplines. Except with older adolescents and young adults, the parents or caretaking family almost always participate in the therapeutic program.
Child and adolescent psychiatric training requires 4 years of medical school, 1 year of supervised hospital medical training (internship), at least 2 years of approved residency training in general psychiatry with adults, and 2 years of training in psychiatric work with children, adolescents and their families in an approved residency in child and adolescent psychiatry.
In the general psychiatry training years, the resident achieves competence in the basis of psychiatric work. In the child and adolescent psychiatry residency, the trainee acquires a thorough knowledge of normal child and family development as well as psychopathology, and treatment. Special importance is given to disorders that appear in childhood, such as pervasive developmental disorder, learning disabilities, mental retardation, depression, drug dependency and delinquency. The child psychiatric resident further applies and develops psychiatric skills by treating youngsters and their families.
The evaluation and treatment of inpatients and outpatients is important throughout the residency, with a concentration on delivery of appropriate treatment within the family’s financial and psychological means. This training includes supervised experience with children of all ages and from all socio-economic and cultural backgrounds, in long-term or family treatment. The training with hospitalized children and adolescents provides the preparation for full hospital admission and treatment privileges.
Having completed the child psychiatry residency and successfully passed the examination in general psychiatry given by the American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology, the child and adolescent psychiatrist is eligible for certification in the subspecialty of child and adolescent psychiatry. Although these last two examinations are not required for practice, they are a further assurance that the child and adolescent psychiatrist who are trained and certified in this way can be expected to diagnosis and treat all psychiatric conditions of patients of any age, or refer them for such treatment, and they are prepared to contribute in many ways to serve the welfare of children and their families.
The child and adolescent psychiatrist, as any other physician, continues to study and learn about the new advances in the specialty by reading scientific literature and attending conferences, to be able to apply new knowledge effectively in daily diagnostic, therapeutic and consultative work.
Internet Safety Rules
- Don’t give out your name, address, telephone number, school, passwords or other personal information.
- Don’t buy anything on the Internet unless your parents say it’s OK.
- Don’t ever get together with someone you met online unless your parents say it’s OK. Some people online may not be who they say they are.
- From “Prevention Online” www.health.org/