Hypertalk SemiAnnual Publication of the Baltimore County Chapter of CH.A.D.D. Contents Articles from this Issue: Spring/Summer 1999 Articles from the Fall/Winter 1998/99 Issue Articles from the Spring 1998 Issue Coming Soon: Index of Articles by Topic and Author
![]() ![]() ![]() Hypertalk SemiAnnual Publication of the Baltimore County Chapter of CH.A.D.D.
Spring/Summer 1999 Letter from the Chapter Coordinator Position Paper on the Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder for the NIH Consensus Conference on AD/HD Brief History of Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Farewell Letter From Our Outgoing Chapter Coordinator Guest Speakers and Meeting Dates, Spring/Summer 1999 Educators’ Recognition Awards Night Christmas Highlights From an ADD Family Tax Tips For Special Needs Families Power Parenting the Child With AD/HD Workshop How You Can Help Baltimore County CHADD Subjects Needed for Research Projects Book Review Adult Group Update Library, Bookstore and Web Site News Baltimore County CHADD Officers New Address and Phone for CHADD National Office VIP Waiters’ Fund-Raising Dinner May 15!
Letter from the Chapter Coordinator Dear Members and Friends, As we enter the last year of this century, I can not help but think how far we have come in recognizing, understanding, accepting and appreciating the differences in individuals that are currently called Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder. You will find a historical overview of AD/HD in this newsletter. Dr. Michael Finkel, member of the CHADD National Board of Directors, has written an article for us addressing AD/HD as we know it today. This issue of HYPER~TALK also contains articles on legal issues and tax tips relating to AD/HD. I look forward to the year 2000 and beyond as we continue to work to improve the lives of those with AD/HD through education, advocacy and support. I am most pleased to announce that Dr. Peter Jensen, Associate Director, Child and Adolescent Research, National Institute of Mental Health, and Chief, Developmental Psychopathology Research Branch, NIMH will be our speaker for the May meeting. Dr. Jensen is the lead NIMH investigator on the six-site NIMH, Department of Education and NIDA funded study of Multimodal Treatment of ADHD (the MTA Study). Dr. Jensen was also responsible for The National Institute of Health Consensus Development Conference on AD/HD held last November. The Draft Statement developed at the NIH conference is available at our library. Last summer I was asked to serve on CHADD’s National Constituent Services Committee. I work with CHADD chapters across the country on issues related to finance, program planning, and public relations. My regional district includes the northeast chapters from Maryland to the Canadian boarder. My sincere thanks goes to all the volunteers that help this chapter run smoothly so I could accept this opportunity to help at the national level. Much has happened since our last issue of HYPER~TALK. Our National CHADD Conference was held in New York in October. Restructuring of CHADD was announced at the conference with additional details provided to the chapter coordinators in November. These changes were discussed at our November board meeting. This is certainly an exciting time to be involved with CHADD and there are many ways you can help support our mission. CHADD of Baltimore County is also restructuring. I am most grateful to Betsy Campochiaro, Dan Swinder and Gayle Voigt for their past years of service to this chapter and wish them well with their changing roles and future endeavors. Our Professional Advisors have graciously agreed to attend more meetings and accept special projects to help us meet the needs of our growing membership and community. Our board positions are expanding and election of officers will be held at the May meeting. Positions are available to members in good standing; call the CHADD line (410-377-0249) to let us know if you are interested in running for office or serving on our board. This is the first year we have offered Continuing Professional Development credits for educators attending our meetings. We will have an extra meeting in June to celebrate the success of our Closer Look at Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder course and will hold our first CHADD of Baltimore County Educators’ Recognition Awards Night. Please be sure to nominate that exceptional teacher who has touched your life in such a positive way. Read on, we have included some very special articles and timely news items. I trust you will be pleased with the programs planed for you. Please come to our meetings and workshops. Volunteer – it will be a rewarding adventure. Your help is needed, please share your knowledge with those just beginning their quest to become better informed about AD/HD. Sincerely, Position Paper on the Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder for the NIH Consensus Conference
(Editor’s note: The following was written by Dr. Finkel on behalf of The Behavioral Neurology Societies. He is an Assistant Professor of Neurology at the Mayo Medical School. Dr. Finkel has served on the CHADD National Professional Advisory Board for many years and has graciously given permission for this paper to be printed in HYPER~TALK. I have deleted much of section V and the bibliography to conserve space in this newsletter; three copies of the complete text are available at our library.)
I. What is the scientific evidence to support AD/HD as a disorder? AD/HD is the current name for a group of disorders that has been progressively categorized over the past century. Once thought to be a purely behavioral and non-medical problem, the neurobiological nature of this group of disorder is now well established in the peer-reviewed scientific literature. References 1-5 review the clinical, psychological, neuroimaging and genetic studies. Although it was originally described as a childhood disorder, research now proves persistence of some aspects of this disorder into adulthood (6-9).
II. What are the existing diagnostic and treatment practices, and what are the barriers to appropriate identification, evaluation, and intervention? Presently, the accepted standards for making the diagnosis of AD/HD are found in the latest edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual for Psychiatric Disorders (DSM-IV.) DSM-IV divides AD/HD into three types based on behavioral characteristics of the individual: AD/HD, Primarily Hyperactive Type; AD/HD, Primarily Inattentive Type; AD/HD, Combined Type. The clinician characterizes the patient based on certain numbers of Hyperactive and Inattentive traits, and then assigns a diagnosis based on the numbers of characteristics of the different types.
This mixing and matching of symptoms is quite arbitrary. It creates one of the barriers to appropriate identification, evaluation and intervention, and is the source of considerable discussion in the peer-reviewed literature. A significant debate concerns the age of onset of the disorder: age seven was arbitrarily assigned, and good arguments exist for moving this to age nine (10-11). Another important debate concerns the number of symptoms needed to make the diagnosis at different ages. The DSM-IV was field tested on young males, and there is ample evidence that older individuals can be diagnosed with AD/HD with fewer active behavioral characteristics (12).
III. What is the impact of AD/HD on individuals, families, and society? AD/HD is diagnosed on the basis of a “classical triad” of symptoms that includes hyperactivity, impulsivity, and inattention. The degree to which the individual is affected by each of these symptom groups at different stages in their life reflects on how the disorder impacts the individual, their families, and society.
Hyperactivity in children manifests an inability to sit still or to stay on task, with the visible presence of motor activity. They mature into adults who have a motor restlessness and a tendency to be involved with multiple incomplete tasks simultaneously. Impulsivity in all groups is recognized as a difficulty with prioritization and inhibition of their immediate responses to environmental occurrences that compete with their attention to more significant issues and events. Inattention presents in children and adults as an inability to extinguish their behavioral responses to less relevant stimuli in familial, academic, occupational and social situations. As the nervous system matures, hyperactivity and impulsivity become less problematical for the individual, while inattention remains a problem for many adults, and is often manifested as problems with time management strategies (13).
AD/HD AS PART OF SYMPTOM COMPLEXES: individuals with “pure” forms of AD/HD, or “AD/HD Simplex,” are actually a minority. Many individuals have additional disorders of learning, motor skills and communication, as defined in DSM-IV, called “AD/HD Complex.” Other individuals have additional medical disorders called Comorbid Conditions (14).
THE “AD/HD COMPLEX” DISORDERS: The Learning Disorders have three major divisions. An affected individual may have any or all these conditions.
The Reading Disorders (Dyslexias) involve the different problems with symbol identification that impede the ability to read with speed and accuracy. This diverse group of conditions will improve to a degree with maturation of the nervous system and with appropriate academic interventions. Many affected adults will read with accuracy, but with slower speed than their unaffected peers. The neuroanatomical basis of the dyslexias is the subject of many research reports that employ diagnostic imaging studies.
Dyscalculia is the least understood and categorized of these conditions and involves problems with mathematics.
Disorders of Written Expression have two components. DysDysgraphia involves a neurobiologically mediated problem with fine motor control. This renders the individuals incapable of fine penmanship, no matter how hard they try or how many repetitions they attempt. Dysorthographia involves persistent problems with symbol recognition and ordering that are essential for proper spelling.
Motor Skills Disorder involves developmental problems with large motor control. Affected individuals have a generalized clumsiness that prevents them from performing most athletic activities with any degree of skill or accomplishment.
Communications Disorders have four types: Expressive Language Disorder, Mixed Receptive-Expressive Language Disorder, Phonological Disorder and Stuttering. These can affect 5-10% of school age children, overwhelmingly males. The distinctions among these conditions are summarized in DSM-IV.
THE COMORBID CONDITIONS: This group of disorders occurs concurrently with AD/HD at a frequency that is greater than what occurs by chance alone. These conditions include many common disorders of neurology and behavioral medicine (psychiatry). The following scheme is one means of classification:
Disorders of Emotional Control: These have four components: Affective Disorders (Dysthymia, Depression, Bipolar Disorder); Anxiety Disorder; Panic Disorder; Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder.
Disorders of Movement Control: These have two categories: Tic Disorders (Motor Tics, Vocal Tics, Gilles de la Tourette Syndrome) and Seizure Disorders (usually primary generalize epilepsies of the absence type).
Disorders of Comfort: The three common conditions are: Migraine-Type Headaches; Enuresis; Irritable Bowel Syndrome.
Disorders of Substance Abuse: Toxic Inhalants (inhalants like glue or gasoline); Tobacco; Alcohol; Illegal Drugs; Abuse of Prescription Medications.
Disorders of Disruptive Behaviors: These divide into three types: Oppositional-Defiant Disorder (argumentativeness and disrespect for authority figures); Conduct Disorder (destructive and criminal behaviors that occur before age 18); Antisocial Behavior (destructive and criminal activities that occur after age 18).
These comorbid conditions are not always present simultaneously, and occur at different ages. Because AD/HD is often one of the earliest presenting conditions, its presence alerts the clinician to be attentive for the development of other conditions whose early treatment can have significant academic, occupational, and social consequences. For example: a child treated with AD/HD may also develop migraine headaches or an anxiety disorder or absence seizures; an adult with AD/HD as a child may later develop a significant depression; a hyperactive child identified at young age who starts to manifest oppositional-defiant behaviors before age ten is at high risk for an early substance abuse disorder and antisocial behaviors (15). Because many of these concurrent conditions occur in other family members, the treating physician can help get treatment for symptomatic family members.
IV. What are the effective treatments for AD/HD? The cornerstone of therapy for individuals with AD/HD begins with medications. Behavioral modifications and learning strategies and techniques often play an important role in the treatment, depending on which comorbid conditions are present in the patient. Commonly, the physician will need to work with clinical and educational psychologists, social workers, and special education teachers. However, this discussion will focus only on pharmacological therapies. The most effective medicines to date are from the Stimulant class (16-22). Tricyclic antidepressants also have a role, as do novel antidepressants like Bupropion and anxiolytic agents like Buspirone (23-24). Several new compounds are in development. Tomoxetine is in clinical trials (25). These medications produce their effect by pre- and post-synaptic modulation of dopamine and noradrenaline at the level of the receptors.
V. What are the risks of the use of stimulant medication and other treatments? (See library copy for details.) COMBINED (STRATEGIC) POLYPHARMACY: Since these individuals often have several concurrent medical problems, the clinician will need to choose a polypharmaceutical strategy that uses the fewest medications to achieve the most effects with the fewest side effects (26-28). AD/HD children with absence seizures and migraines may respond to a stimulant medication combined with Valproic Acid, while an AD/HD child with depression may respond to Bupropion alone. An adult with AD/HD, migraines, and hypertension may respond to Verapamil and to cautious use of a stimulant or Bupropion. The important principles for these and for other possible examples are parsimony of medications while recognizing that one medicine alone will rarely treat individuals with comorbid disorders effectively.
VI. What are the directions for future research? Major directions for research include the following: Improved diagnostic imaging, using PET and fMRI, to improve our morphometric and physiologic evaluations of the brains of clinically affected individuals. This could achieve several beneficial ends: an understanding of which brain circuits and transmitter systems are affected by the disorder, and how medications may alleviate them; the determination of whether or not there are cost effective imaging studies that will help identify those individuals for whom the diagnosis is not clear by clinical means; directions towards which pharmacotherapy should concentrate on new medications. The elucidation of the specific transmitter receptor subtypes and transmitter reuptake and repackaging mechanisms that are involved in the disorder, with the goal of developing more precise pharmacological agents for the disorder, with fewer side effects and no potential for abuse. The determination of how to identify early in life those individuals with a genetic predisposition to the comorbid conditions that will have malignant personal and social impact, and the development of effective treatments for prophylaxis of those conditions.
SUMMARY: 1. AD/HD occurs in many individuals, often with other conditions. There is a strong genetic component to most cases. 2. AD/HD has different clinical manifestations at different ages. Many of these conditions may become inactive with age. The AD/HD often presents first and should alert the clinician to the possibility of other treatable disorders. 3. AD/HD can be treated medically using traditional pharmacological principles. 4. AD/HD often requires work with non-medical specialists to help the patient achieve the best possible results. Review of Consensus Development Conference on AD/HD at NIH
Editor’s note: The Consensus Statement and Conference Proceedings are available in our library. I found the conference to be most exciting, confusing and exhausting because of the vast amount of information presented from such a variety of sources in so short a time frame. Dr. Finkel gave an excellent presentation at the end of the second day of the conference. He concluded with the following statement which I thought summed up the experience quite well.
Regarding the Consensus Statement: It should be apparent from this meeting that the Consensus Statement should recognize that those individuals with AD/HD simplex and AD/HD complex can receive therapy from a variety of medical specialties, not just one group. Insurance companies should not be allowed to restrict which doctors provide therapy.
In Conclusion: The Panel has a serious charge. Peter Jenson once reminded a scientific meeting that, “In God we trust-all others must present data.” Dr. Ferguson has reminded us that, “Data is not the plural of anecdote.” I would add that diatribe is not substitute for dialogue. I trust that the Panel will recognize peer review from poor review. I am confident that your Karma will run over the Dogma, and arrive at a consensus of which the Nation will be proud.
Brief History of Attention Deficit /Hyperactivity Disorder “Phil, stop acting like a worm,
Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder or AD/HD is the currently accepted term established by the American Psychiatric Association in the DSM IV (The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual, 4th Edi.). AD/HD has had many names over the past century. AD/HD’s history is “mysterious and circuitous. It is at once a phenomenon in search of an accurate and proper name, and a named diagnoses in search of a phenomenology.” AD/HD is a complex disorder and the name has changed frequently over time to reflect researchers’ advances in concept and theory about this disorder.
Heinrich Hoffman, a German physician, wrote the “fidgety Phil” poem in the 19th century. At the turn of this century, the disorder we currently call AD/HD was first identified in the medical literature by Dr. George Still, a British Physician. He defined the disorder as a “Defect of Moral Character”. Although any parent would be horrified to hear that label attached to a child today, it is amazing how closely Dr. Still’s observations compare to the DSM IV definition of AD/HD, Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD) and Conduct Disorder (CD). George Still described the children in his practice as overactive, aggressive, inattentive, impulsive, passionate, aggressive and lawless. Dr. Still reported a 3:1 male:female ratio; family histories of alcoholism, depression and criminal conduct; a genetic predisposition for the disorder; and the possibility that the disorder could be related to injury to the central nervous system.
It was later believed that brain damage was the cause of AD/HD and terms like “Minimal Brain Damage” were used to describe children displaying a pattern of hyperactivity, impulsiveness and/or inattention. The great encephalitis epidemics in the U.S. during 1917 and 1918 left many surviving children with symptoms resembling AD/HD. Researchers also noted ADHD symptoms in children born with birth defects and children who sustained traumatic brain injury. Significant research during this time included Ebaugh,1923; Stryker, 1925; Goldstein,1936; Werner and Strauss, 1941; Strauss and Lehtinen, 1947.
In the 1950’s and early 1960’s less emphasis was placed on brain damage, and researchers recognized that the brain functioned in a slightly different way for children displaying ADHD symptoms. In 1966 the National Institutes of Health adopted the term “Minimal Brain Dysfunction” to describe the disorder. Four years later the DSM II again changed the name to “Hyperkinetic Reaction of Childhood” and established a more rigorous set of diagnostic criteria for the disorder. Much emphasis was placed on hyperactivity during this time.
By the late 1970’s, researchers like Virginia Douglas and Dennis Cantwell began to focus less on the hyperactive component of the disorder and more consideration was given to attention and impulsivity. In 1980 the DSM III further fine tuned guidelines for diagnosis and renamed the disorder “Attention Deficit Disorder”. DSM III identified two subtypes of Attention Deficit Disorder, ADHD (with hyperactivity) and ADD/noH (without hyperactivity). Criteria at this time also specified that the onset of symptoms must occur prior to age seven and the duration of problems must persist for at least six months. DSM III also recognized for the first time that symptoms associated with Attention Deficit Disorder can remain in older adolescents and adults and identified adult ADD as ADD,RT for residual type.
In 1987 the revised third edition of DSM again changed the name from ADD to ADHD. DSM-III-R stated that although distractibility was a primary factor in this syndrome, hyperactivity was also a key characteristic for most To be diagnosed with ADHD under DSM-III-R guidelines, a minimum of eight symptoms out of a possible fourteen symptoms must be present before age seven for at least six months. The ADD/noH type was replaced with “Undifferentiated Attention Deficit Disorder (U-ADD).
In 1991, the U.S. Department of Education issued a Policy Clarification Memorandum which recognized children with ADHD as eligible for special education and related services under the “other health impaired” or other existing categories of IDEA (Individuals with Disabilities Act) and Section 504 of the Federal Rehabilitation act of 1973.
The most recent name, Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder, came about in the current DSM IV in 1994. Now there are three subtypes of AD/HD; AD/HD-IA (inattentive type), AD/HD-HI (hyperactive-impulsive type) and AD/HD:Combined subtype. The prior DSM list of fourteen symptoms was separated into two categories, hyperactive-impulsive and inattentive. Furthermore, problems must be seen in more than one setting and the symptoms must significantly impact social, academic or occupational functioning.
Looking at the history of this disorder, it is clearly evident that AD/HD is not as some have suggested “the disease of the ’90’s” and AD/HD under any name will not fade from fashion. It is a real and valid neuro-biologically based behavioral disorder which impacts cognitive functioning. 1 Garfinkel, B. & Wender, P (1989). In H. Kaplan & B. Saddock (Eds.), Textbook of Comprehensive Psychiatry (Vol. V, p. 1828). Baltimore: Wiliams & Wilkins. 2 Cherkes-Julkowski, M., Sharp, S. and Stolzenberg, J, Rethinking Attention Deficit Disorders, Cambridge, Mass.: Brookline Books, 1997, p. 14. 3 Barkley, Russell A. ADHD and the Nature of Self-Control. New York: Guilford Press, 1997, p.4. 4 Lerner, Janet W., Lowenthal, Barbara, & Lerner, Sue R. Attention Deficit Disorders Assessment and Treatment, Pine Grove, Ca.: Brooks/Cole, 1996, p. 21 – 29. 5 Ingersoll, Barbara D. Daredevils and Daydreamers New Perspectives on Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder, New York: Doubleday, 1998, p.4.
Letter to Baltimore County CHADD Members from Betsy Campochiaro Dear Members, Friends and Associates, I have served as the Baltimore County CHADD chapter coordinator since 1995. During this time, our board has evolved and developed into a strong group of people committed to serving the needs of families coping with ADHD. A dedicated professional advisory board was developed to help us with this task. They serve as consultants; sharing their expert opinions and ideas. This chapter has grown in size, depth and scope which has been a source of great satisfaction to my advisors, volunteers and me. While I have immensely enjoyed developing this chapter, working with many special people and helping families learn to deal with ADHD, the time has come for me to step down. Change within an organization is not only good but also necessary. New ideas, different perspectives and a lot of fresh enthusiasm will guarantee the great momentum we have at this time. Our chapter’s trifold growth in the recent past demonstrates the needs we fill in our community. We provide an important resource for families dealing with every day ADHD issues as well as supporting them in more difficult times. We must continue to support the mission of CHADD in our community. Tish Michel will provide strong leadership as she devotes her time to running this large chapter. She will need the constant support of our volunteers; please assist Tish. I would like to thank our board and professional advisory board for their help, encouragement, support and enormous commitment of time to our chapter functions. We were never at a loss for ideas and rarely lacking in manpower. Thanks to all of you that volunteered at any level for our chapter. I hope you continue to seek support and information from CHADD. Our members are what make this chapter so special and it will continue to be a pillar of strength for many. It is with honor that I served this community, thank you for that opportunity. Sincerely, Betsy Campochiaro, RN, MSN
CHADD of Baltimore County CHADD of Baltimore County
March 3, 1999
April 7, 1999
May 5, 1999
June 2, 1999
Location: Greater Baltimore Medical Center Physicians Pavilion East Conference Center, 6701 N. Charles Street Directions: I-695 to Exit 25 (Charles Street), go 2 miles south, past Towsontown Blvd., turn left into the hospital. Park in the Physicians Pavilion East Garage, free of charge Agenda: 6:30 – 9:30 Library & Book sale (March and May) 7:30 – 8:00 Adult Small Group Support 7:00 – 8:15 Parent Guest Speaker 8:15 – 9:30 Adult Guest Speaker 8:30 – 9:00 Parent Small Group Support
Educators are now eligible to obtain Continuing Professional Development credits! Any changes will be announced on the CHADD phone line 410-377-0249 Remember:
March Peter K. Isquith, Ph.D. is a Licensed Psychologist with a specialty in neuropsychology in the Division of Pediatric Neuropsychology. Dr. Isquith practices broadly within neuropsychology, working primarily with children but also with adults with developmentally based learning or attentional difficulties and acquired brain injuries. He completed his BA in Speech & Hearing Sciences and Psychology at the University of Michigan and doctorate in Psychology at SUNY Buffalo, specializing in Child Clinical Psychology and Law. After an internship at Children’s Hospital & Judge Baker Children’s Center in Boston, Dr. Isquith completed first a neuropsychology research fellowship at Children’s Hospital, then a second postdoctoral fellowship in rehabilitation neuropsychology at New England Rehabilitation Hospital before joining the psychology staff at Mt. Washington Pediatric Hospital. Previously a fellow at Harvard Medical School, Dr. Isquith is now Clinical Assistant Professor in Pediatric Neurology at University of Maryland Medical School. Dr. Isquith is affiliated staff in the division of Pediatric Oncology at John Hopkins Hospital. Dr. Isquith is also affiliated with the Medical Staff in Pediatrics at the University of Maryland Medical System.
Seska Ramberg, MSW, LGSW, CMT is on the staff of GBMC’s Alternative and Complementary Health Center. She is known as an innovator in holistic health. Her work is founded on the premise that each aspect of who we are, be it physical, mental, emotional or spiritual, informs and can inspire every other aspect, and that by opening the possibilities for such conversation we increase our capacity for well-being. She provides her clients with a multi-modal, integrative approach to education and healing. In this experiential workshop, using relaxation techniques of breathing, imagery, easy movement and meditation, Seska will guide us in the discovery of what she believes is the most immediate, pleasurable and effective tool for stress reduction: our own inner reservoir of vitality, imagination and serenity.
April ELLEN A. CALLEGARY, a practicing attorney for twenty years and a founding partner of the law firm of Callegary & Steedman, P.A., focuses on special education, disability and family law issues. Ms. Callegary has a long history of involvement in disability issues. During her ten years as an Assistant Attorney General for the State of Maryland, she worked directly with two Attorneys General advising state agencies on matters related to the rights of persons with disabilities and serving as Principal Counsel for the Department of Juvenile Services. She is the immediate past President of the American Civil Liberties Union of Maryland and a former Women’s Law Center Board Member. She has written and lectured extensively on health law, and taught an AIDS Legal Clinic and a Mental Health Law Clinic as a clinical law professor at the University of Maryland School of Law where she is currently a member of the adjunct faculty. Ms. Callegary is a 1978 honors graduate of the University of Maryland School of Law and a 1975 honors graduate of the Johns Hopkins University.
Joseph Eisenburg, Ph.D. is a clinical psychologist and has been working in the field for twenty five years. He has extensive experience with AD/HD and set up a center for children with learning disabilities in Erie Pennsylvania. His practice includes seeing both children and adults diagnosed with AD/HD.
May Peter S. Jensen, MD is the Associate Director, Child and Adolescent Research, National Institute of Mental Health, and Chief, Developmental Psychopathology Research Branch, NIMH. Formerly with the Walter Reed Army Institute of Research, Dr. Jensen joined the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) in 1989. In addition to his science administration and leadership responsibilities, Dr. Jensen has conducted on attention deficit hyperactivity disorder; child mental health treatments and outcomes; epidemiological studies of children’s mental health, illness, and associated risk factors; and conceptual and methodological issues in the assessment of child psychopathology. Dr. Jensen is the lead NIMH investigator on the six-site NIMH-, Department of Education- and NIDA-funded study of Multimodal Treatment of ADHD — the MTA Study). He serves on a number of editorial and scientific advisory boards. He is the author of over 100 scientific articles and chapters, and has edited two books on children’s mental health research. For his research, writing, and scientific leadership, he has twice received the Norbert Geiger Award from the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (1990 and 1996), the Agnes Purcell McGavin Award (1996) and the Blanche F. Ittelson Award (1998) from the American Psychiatric Association, and Special Recognition Awards from the American Psychological Association and the Association for Child Psychiatric Nursing.
September Patricia Quinn, MD is a developmental pediatrician in the Washington, D.C. area. She did her internship and residency at the Georgetown Medical Center where she was Director of Medicine at the Child Development Center before going into private practice in 1978. She is the Developmental Pediatrician clinical Assistant Professor of Pediatrics at the Georgetown University Medical School. Dr. Quinn is a co-author and editor of a book for high school and college students with ADHD. Dr. Quinn is also the co-editor for a national newsletter for children with ADD. She recently finished a book for the diagnosis and treatment of ADD from infancy to adulthood. Dr. Quinn is co-editor of ADDvance Magazine.
Educators’ Recognition Awards Night
This is the first year we have offered Continuing Professional Development credits for educators attending our meetings. We will host a special meeting at 7:00PM on June 2, 1999 to celebrate the success of our Closer Look at Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder course and will hold our first CHADD of Baltimore County Educators’ Recognition Awards Night. Dr. Sharyn Rhodes will host our ceremony. If you know of someone: administrator, teacher, guidance counselor, speech pathologist, nurse, teacher aide, etc. who has demonstrated a special willingness to help you and/or your child cope with issues related to AD/HD, please complete the nomination form so this person may be recognized for a job well done. We will invite your nominee to attend the recognition night with you. Please submit your nomination no later than April 16 so that we can finalize plans for this special event at our April board meeting. Nominations Send Nominations to [email protected] Include the following information:
Christmas ’98 Highlights from an ADD Family (Editor’s note: This is not your typical holiday newsletter from the “perfect family”. It is the newsletter sent by a member about her family; she and all four children have been diagnosed as AD/HD. Her openness, honesty, acceptance, attitude and faith are most inspiring and refreshing.)
Dear Friends & Family Late again! Hope you think my excuse is a good one this year. As usual, I’m frantically finalizing my college semester–writing term papers and studying for finals. To make things more difficult, our New Zealand au pair, who has kept our house and children functional this year and made it possible for me to tackle a heavier course load at college, suddenly left us without warning to return to NZ last week. The timing couldn’t have been worse. And as if that wasn’t enough, Jake nearly burned down our house over Thanksgiving, playing with–you guessed it–a lighter! So now our house is total chaos, and with Rob’s family coming for Christmas, our top priority is to get our 2nd floor back into service. Good excuse, don’t you think? So now that your curiosity is aroused, I’ll begin with Jake since it is his curiosity that continually gets him into trouble. I believe that Jake is destined for great things one day, I just can’t seem to catch a glimpse of the path that will take him from here to there. The roadblocks are becoming quite numerous–failing grades, school suspensions, a police record for arson, a trail of destructiveness that clings like a tail, and he’s only thirteen! I keep wondering why he needs to experience the world so differently from everyone else. Perhaps instead of being roadblocks, these are the very things that will cause him to stumble upon the road to success. Jake possesses a remarkable resilience, or perhaps it’s simply his ability to forget. Take the night of the fire, for instance. He was mortified that such an innocent act had set his room ablaze, and sat crying in the kitchen while the entire county fire brigade set our quiet neighborhood ablaze with colorful flashing lights. When we were sent outside by the invading fire fighters, dragging hoses through the house, we were greeted by a swelling crowd of excited neighbors–and suddenly Jake had achieved stardom! This role he reveled in, probably contributing to the arson charge, and from that moment on he seems to have forgotten what brought all the excitement to our house. Again it was his curiosity that made him appear unrepentant to the arson investigator, who found himself answering more questions about the nature of his job than he could think of to ask Jake about the nature of his behavior. Anyway, to get back to Jake, his school record this year, is once again pretty dismal although he always achieves an A in art–I wonder why? I’m burned out on trying to advocate for a child who cannot conform to expectations at such odds with his nature. I’ve come to the conclusion that the “educational system” is so focused on its agenda of producing round pegs, that it has no way of dealing with a square peg other than to discard it, especially one as resistant as Jake. If Jake possessed little talent and intelligence–even if average–I would have no problem working with the schools to bring out his best–that’s what special education is for. The trouble seems to be that the “system” cannot, or will not, adapt appropriately to individual needs and different learning styles. A quick look at history and I see that Albert Einstein had the same problem, and others who became famous inspite of poor school performance. We undertook a tedious and lengthy application process this Fall in an effort to get Jake into a specialized private school, but even there he was rejected (failed the screening test for conformity no doubt). It now seems that our only option is home-schooling, which I could get really enthusiastic about if I wasn’t so focused on my own education. However, Jake’s needs take precedence at this stage so I have made up my mind to cut back on my courses next semester and see if we can’t recapture some fun in learning. I guess this leads into a paragraph about me (I just love the way writing is so self-directing). I still have several semesters remaining to complete my degree, however, I never have been goal oriented in this undertaking. Rather, I’m process oriented and learning so much about myself–my strengths, weaknesses, interests, learning style, needs, etc.–and have been seriously toying with the idea of adding a minor in some other discipline, or even changing my major altogether. I’m a little disillusioned with the nursing profession. Managed Care has taken U.S. Health Care by storm, due to a shortage of funds and an abundance of illness. “Mismanaged Care”, as I call it, effectively creates a whole level of bureaucrats who dictate how the funds are used, and who does what, where, how, when, and why. I’ve not even had any real clinical experience yet, but could write a book on what I see wrong with this system. Because reducing cost is the major focus of Managed Care, the providers of that care become mere commodities to be marketed in the most short term, cost effective way. This completely undermines the nurse/patient relationship, including trust, quality care, and personal satisfaction… I see so much that’s ineffective or even wrong in Health Care, and it seems to me that college is the best place to rock the boat if solutions are to be proposed and changes made. Rob, the only family member without ADD, has just commented that I’ll have to leave the news about everyone else until next Christmas at this rate, so I’ll move on to him. The trouble is, you heard it all last year–Rob never changes (a good thing of course)! He returned to Ecuador in February and is making plans for next year’s trip, is as busy as ever being Baltimore’s most indispensable surgeon, as well as boss of O.R., and when time permits, juggles his roles at home and church. Oh, there is something different to report–outstandingly different–Rob is learning bass guitar! (How’s that for different!) Shouldn’t be long before he starts his own rock band! OK, it’s now January so this is not a Christmas letter any more, but I’ll keep writing on the off chance you still care to hear about our escapades. Next comes Anna. Nineteen years old and half-way through her third year of college, Anna has now dropped out–or to be politically correct–is “taking a break”. As with all our children, she feels a strong yearning for excitement and novelty, a need that was obviously not being met at college–in spite of having sampled two in her short career. (Perhaps she doesn’t realize that dropping out is not so novel–I did it long before her.) Anna has simply been attempting to establish her own identity apart from the garden where she was planted. This has taken the form of challenging all previously acquired beliefs; questioning every established convention and principle; exploring every uncharted territory; and generally learning about the world in her own special way–including making her own mistakes! She is now at home convalescing while restocking her database no doubt, with new adventures to browse. Needless to say, Anna is very bright, and capable of accomplishing anything she sets her mind to–the problem exists in the “setting her mind” part; however, a short timeout should see her on her way again to all those places we know she’ll arrive at one day. Thomas is our 9 year old hero–amazingly confident and well-adjusted considering his genetic heritage. Everyday turns out to be the best day of his life, and he wakes up every morning just as enthusiastic and ready to go as on the previous one. He is fortunate to have an excellent school and more importantly, a wonderful teacher who makes each kid feel special. Thomas is like a ray of sunshine wherever he goes and is welcomed everywhere. He’s very bright and has the ability to see beyond the surface to what’s really important. He’ll come home just as pleased with a C on an assignment as an A, knowing that grades don’t necessarily reflect quality or ability, but rather, the focus one can muster for a task in the face of a more enticing possibility elsewhere. Thomas’s motto in life is, “Seize the moment” which effectively fills his life with outstanding moments. We could all learn a lot from this little guy. Like his brother, Jake, he hates to go to sleep because of the possibilities that might be missed during the night, so he maintains himself on a minimum of sleep. One of his school friends moved to our neighborhood a few months ago and being an only child, Andrew (also ADD) considers himself one of our family, assuming the status of a fully-fledged member. Of course, to Thomas he’s the welcome playmate, not the rival he might well be. Thomas joined Cub Scouts this summer so we have another activity to get excited about and keep our pace of life from becoming too manageable. Last, but no least in terms of the trouble he can cause, is Seth– Seth has just put us through the most stressful Christ-mas I hope we ever encounter. But let me back up on some recent history. Seth got involved with the wrong element at school this year, and as you would expect, his attitude, language, behavior, and grades all took a sharp decline, which sent us scrambling to extricate him from the web he was getting tangled in. On a weekend in mid November, frustrated by the road blocks we were positioning in his path, Seth carried out his threat to leave home, causing us a couple of anxious nights until we could arrange his swift extradition to a small private boarding school in Virginia—one specializing in kids in trouble. Just when things started going well, and Seth had settled in and shared with us his newly formulated life goals, the trouble began. An early Saturday morning phone call notified us that Seth and a new student had stolen a teacher’s car and were on the run. Arrest warrants had been issued, and we clung to the hope that the boys would be found quickly. Seth’s impulsivity and stimulation-seeking had stooped to a new level, although we were not surprised to learn that his accomplice in crime had a lengthy record of car theft and life in detention centers. Later that day when we discovered they had swooped on our unoccupied house during the morning, we called the Baltimore police hoping to catch the kids here. However, it was not until the following Friday night that we finally caught up with them, and the 2 girlfriends they had picked up early in the week–at a crack house in a Philadelphia ghetto. Their crime spree had taken in West Virginia, Maryland, Ohio, Michigan, North Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia, Delaware, Pennsylvania, and they were heading for New York when, through a spate of mishaps, they lost their car, their money, their possessions, at the same time the temperature dropped below freezing. We had been tracking their journey through my stolen credit card, notifying the police in each State, but the kids managed to elude them all. The last 3 days before Seth called home, had us really worried when we were notified that the kids had run from the police, leaving the credit card in the hands of a store cashier. By Christmas day I could hardly eat and spent much of the day praying, even while I entertained a housefull of guests, including Rob’s family from overseas.—16 in all. God didn’t let me down, bringing the kids home in the early hours of Saturday morning. I never thought I’d see such cold, hungry, tired, dirty, middle-class American kids–especially one of my own. A good criminal lawyer assisted us in getting all charges dropped so that the kids could be dealt with outside the legal system. They’re now back at school facing the consequences of their reckless crime spree, including responsibility for the financial losses they incurred. They’ve been put on a rigorous work program in addition to restricted activities and privileges until they make restitution. I’m certainly glad the school is able to undertake this role, as prison could have been the other option, at least for Seth, who at 16 could have been charged as an adult (I didn’t tell all). So inspite of the stress, things worked out in the end better than we could have hoped, though I’m sure I couldn’t have survived it without my faith in God. It never ceases to amaze me how He shapes good out of bad, time and time again. We received a letter from Seth today expressing his love for us, his remorse for the pain he caused, and the realization that he’s learned the most valuable lessons in life. If this is what it had to take to bring about the necessary change in him, then it was all worth it. So as you can see, there’s never a dull moment in this house! Inspite of all the trauma, I’ve still managed to achieve straight A’s in all my courses—even winning an award for highest achievement in Statistics–though it’s probably because of all the trauma that study becomes a welcome distraction from dwelling on the problems life presents. Stay tuned for this year’s sequel due out before Christmas (but probably later)! Love to all, Claire
Adults with AD/HD and families with children with AD/HD will want to consider the issues discussed below with their accountant to claim all deductions they are entitled to by law in order to arrive at the lowest possible tax liability. If you itemize your deductions, please investigate if you are entitled to the following: MEDICAL EXPENSES You can deduct health insurance premiums, doctors’ visits (including Psychiatrists, Psychologists, Speech Pathologists, Occupational Therapists and most of those other specialists the ADDer sees), prescription drugs, hospital expenses, and more. If your Doctor writes that your child has special needs and recommends a private school to meet these needs, the cost of this education may qualify as a legitimate medical expense. The same holds true for therapeutic summer day camp programs. You may also deduct 10 cents a mile for transportation as well as parking and toll costs for all medical expenses including transportation to and from a qualifying school or camp. This also applies to attending CHADD meetings, conferences and other lectures recommended by medical professionals to increase your knowledge concerning AD/HD and related medical disorders. If you attended the CHADD conference in New York, the NIH conference on AD/HD in DC, or the Maryland Interdisciplinary Conference on AD/HD this past fall, you can claim most expenses associated with these events as medical expenses.
CHARITABLE CONTRIBUTIONS CHADD is a nonprofit institution so you can deduct the membership fees and other donations you make to our chapter. In addition to cash contributions, you may deduct the lesser of your cost or current market value of materials donated to our chapter. Remember to tell your accountant if you gave our chapter books on AD/HD, office supplies, photocopying or printing services, etc. If you volunteer to help at meetings, you can deduct 14 cents a mile for your transportation costs to and from the meetings. Volunteerism definitely has its benefits. For example, if given the choice whether to claim expenses for attending and volunteering to help at a conference, it is generally better to claim the expense as a charitable contribution since the expense does not have to exceed the 7.5% of adjusted gross income requirement needed to claim medical expenses and the charitable contributions mileage rate for transportation expenses is more favorable by 4 cents per mile.
NEW FOR 1998 TAX RETURNS Listed below are highlights of recent tax law changes which may benefit your family. Ask your accountant to give you the details on the following tax changes to see if they apply to you or a member of your family.
IN-SERVICE PROGRAM ON ATTENTION DEFICIT DISORDERS FOR EDUCATORS February 20, 1999 from 10:00 AM – 12:30 PM at The Greater Baltimore Medical Center
Children with AD/HD are high maintenance whether they are in the class room, on the playground, school bus, cafeteria, Sunday school, scouts, soccer practice, or home. Educators have looked to CHADD for help in affectively working with children with AD/HD. Teachers and parents alike feel frustrated and helpless when they see a child not achieving near his potential, and loosing his zest for learning as his self esteem deteriorates. CHADD’s National Education Committee developed the EDUCATORS MANUAL to provide a thorough picture of AD/HD from an educational perspective. Dr. Sharon Rhodes and Tish Michel will incorporate materials from the EDUCATORS MANUAL at this In-Service Program on Attention Deficit Disorders. Topics will include: understanding educational implications of the disorders, identification and assessment protocols, interventions and accommodations, and problem solving techniques. Dr. Rhodes is an Associate Professor of Education at Loyola College. She has over twenty years of teaching experience and currently provides educational consulting services. Dr. Rhodes received her Ph.D. in Clinical Reading from the University of Wyoming. She was a Post Doctoral Fellow at Kennedy Krieger Institute and a Research Associate at Francis Scott Key Hospital. Dr. Rhodes was an inner city school teacher prior to joining the Loyola College faculty. Tish Michel, CPA, MBA, received her Bachelors in Distributive Education from Virginia Commonwealth University, and her MBA and ABD from George Washington University. She has taught at Loyola College, The College of Notre Dame and Towson University. She is Coordinator of CHADD of Baltimore County and a National Constituents Services Representative for CHADD. She developed a five week summer day camp for children with ADHD and has been Coordinator of the camp for the past two years. Tish Michel serves on the Task Force to Study the Use of Methylphenidate and Other Drugs on School Age Children. Come and learn how to help build a better sense of competence and self-worth for children with AD/HD. The workshop will be held on February 20, 1999 from 10:00 AM – 12:30 PM at The Greater Baltimore Medical Center. Participants will receive an EDUCATORS MANUAL (value $14) and other valuable materials. Cost is $30 for members and $40 for non-members.
WORKSHOP ON POWER PARENTING THE CHILD WITH ADHD John Walkup, M.D., will present this workshop to assist parents in learning more about successful techniques for raising children diagnosed with AD/HD. Dr. Walkup will discuss: how kids develop behavior problems; what to do if you have tried everything; why some behavioral programs don’t work; how to deal with bedtime, homework, allowances, etc.; roles of Mom and Dad in the behavior program; how to assess advice about parenting approaches; what is consistency; what is permissive; what is strict; how to ignore problem behaviors; and how to set limits. If these issues are of concern to you, please join us for this special four hour workshop. Dr. Walkup received his M.D. from the University of Minnesota. He is currently Deputy Director of the Division of Child and Adolescent Psychology and Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences at The Johns Hopkins Medical Institute. He serves as the Medical Director of the Research Unit of Pediatric Psychopharmacology and is also an Associate Professor of Psychiatry at JHMI. Enrollment is limited to ensure that you can meet with the Dr. Walkup and have all your questions answered. The cost of the workshop and handouts is $30 for members and $40 for non-members. CHADD OF BALTIMORE COUNTY
How Can You Help CHADD of Baltimore County
SUBJECTS NEEDED FOR RESEARCH PROJECTS This information was current as of the date of this Hypertalk Issue MRI Study of Brain Development in Children with AD/HD at Kennedy Krieger Institute The Department of Developmental Cognitive Neurology invites your family’s participation in a study of brain development in children with AD/HD who are 8 through 12 years of age. The behavioral and school difficulties of children with AD/HD are well known to both parents and professionals. An important goal is to understand the causes of these deficits. Studies suggest that differences in brain development may contribute to the behavioral and school difficulties that we observe in children with AD/HD. Valuable ways in which we acquire comprehensive information about the developing brain include neuropsychological testing and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). A MRI scan provides high resolution images of your child’s brain, which we can compare to those of other children with AD/HD and unrelated children unaffected by AD/HD. By measuring the specific regions of the brain that are thought to be involved in regulation of impulsive, hyperactive, and off-task behavior, we can use this information provided by MRI scan to understand the ways in which differences in brain development contribute to the behavioral and school difficulties we see in children with AD/HD. Children who participate in the study will receive a MRI, neuropsychological test battery including tests of intellectual functioning, attention, and motor control (all free of charge). The study is divided into two parts which take place on separate days. You and your child’s participation on the first day will take several hours; participation the second day will take four to five hours. Each child participating in the study will receive a gift certificate for two tickets to an Orioles game and a picture of their brain. Families will receive a written report of the results of the tests administered. No radiation is involved in the MRI. Your participation in this study will provide valuable information that will contribute to our understanding of the neurodevelopmental features of AD/HD. Please contact Dr. Stewart Mostofsky at 410-502-8482 to participate. Book Review Beyond ADD: Hunting For Reasons In The Past & Present By Thom Hartmann. Underwood Books, 1996. $12.95. We’ve come to know Thom Hartmann through the Hunter/Farmer Concept of ADD, which he proposed as a nonpathological explanation for the apparent differences in people labeled with Attention Deficit Disorder. I have also questioned the “disordered” concept when I see, and experience, great successes and achievements among those branded with such a label. Could it be possible that much of the failure we see is generated by the label itself, in the form of the self-fulfilling prophecy? In His book, Beyond ADD, Thom Hartmann exposes many facets of human difference, highlighting possible factors that bear influence in such difference. The book is designed to be suggestive, requesting of its reader an open and inquiring mind. Even though he makes reference to numerous studies, it is not Thom’s purpose to expound scientific fact, which could prove far too restrictive to serve any useful purpose. While the author is supportive of scientific research in giving us a clearer picture of the phenomenon we call ADD, his aim is to throw open the doors of exposure to our complexity, inviting us to explore the interconnections that make us who we are, how we experience our world, and why we behave the way we do. As Thom says in his introduction, “You’ll find here a spectrum of theories and ideas ranging from the medical to the metaphysical, from the common-sensical to the esoteric. All are concepts that have. . . some merit–and none of them totally explains ADD. Yet each idea offers us a bit wider insight, a broader view, a deeper understanding into this condition which is increasingly becoming part of the average person’s vocabulary.” Personally, although my beliefs are somewhat incompatible with some of his suggestions, I like Thom’s approach. It offers hope, without trivializing the real difficulties we face, or the effort we must expend to live fulfilled lives. In the author’s own words, “It’s my hope that this book will stir debate and dialogue about what ADD is, where it came from, and why so many people are wearing the label. This is an important issue regardless of any individual position, and people advocating different points of view will probably find both ammunition and refutation in the pages that follow.” Written in an ADD compatible format .(easy-to-read style, broken into short chapters), Beyond ADD is highly recommended reading for anyone hoping to gain a better understanding of ADD.
Adult Group Update It has been encouraging to see our adult contingent increasing recently at our monthly meetings. I’m not quite sure what to put this down to, but one thing is sure–there is no shortage of adults gallantly swimming against the tide of social convention, who are desirous of social convention, who are desirous of joining ranks with those of like nature, for the purpose of minimizing individual effort while maximizing effect. Truly, our lives seem destined for opposition, be it in the classroom, the workplace, the home, or even the church–anywhere we must interact with people who think, feel, and act differently to ourselves. It’s not that we’re inflexible either, for we seem to spend our entire lives adjusting, fitting in, or just plain pretending to conform to the expectations we sense from the crowd around us. I’m sure that if you’re reading this article, you know what I’m talking about. To have ADD – especially if one strives to deny, or keep it secret–means to constantly be on ones guard, expending enormous effort just to live a “normal” life. For many of us, the failures of unsuccessful jobs, broken relationships, lost opportunities, and misunderstandings, have dealt us crushing blows, with the effect of clouding from our view the tremendous potential for fulfillment that lies within our reach. Our needs are many and varied, ranging from as little as a change in attitude, through to professional therapy or retraining in some major area of life. However, acknowledging and understanding our own needs is the first step towards having them met, and this is where our adult support meetings can be helpful. By networking with others like us, sharing our stories, expanding our knowledge through lectures, seminars, books, rubbing shoulders with professionals having expertise in our areas of difficulty, equips us to be more effective in whatever we choose to undertake. I have personally experienced a complete change in attitude, from viewing ADD as a curse to embracing it as a gift, and it has surprised me that such a simple attitude adjustment has been a catalyst for life change. On a more “nuts and bolts” note, due to leadership burnout, our meetings for the next few months will assume a less structured format. We still hope that you will come at 7:30 p.m. prepared to join the discussion and share your success strategies and creative endeavors with the group. Jackie Fliegner has been instrumental in seeking out and securing the services of guest speakers whose aim will be to address our various interests and questions. These speakers are scheduled to begin at 8:15 p.m., usually leaving time for informal networking at the end. Because of the changing needs of my family, coupled with the increasing demands of my college courses, I will be left with little time for coordinating CHADD activities from now on. I’m grateful to those who have helped me out over the last year or two, as much as I’m grateful to those who have refrained from criticizing my poor organizational ability, and less than ideal leadership. I’m now hoping someone will step into my shoes and lead the adult group (it’s a standard shoe size—one size fits all). Like any good CHADD citizen, I will be available to help out in any way possible, and I plan to continue utilizing CHADD’s services for my own support. (I’ve always gained more than I’ve given.) We all need CHADD as much as it needs us, so don’t be afraid to get involved and make this organization what you want it to be.
This article will provide a quick overview of recent news regarding special education law nationally and in Maryland. As readers already know, Congress reauthorized the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) in June 1997 after two years of sometimes bitter debate. The United States Department of Education issued draft regulations in October, 1997 to implement the reauthorized IDEA, and was originally supposed to issue final regulations by April, 1998. The regulations sparked a tremendous amount of controversy, and their publication in final form has been delayed. Several times since the spring. When Congress passed the appropriations bill in October, 1998, it included a requirement that the regulations be issued by the end of December, 1998. That date came and went, and as of the date of this article, the final regulations still have not been issued but are expected at any time. While we wait for the final regulations, we are also waiting for the United States Supreme Court to issue a decision in Cedar Rapids Community School District v. Garret F. This case involves the extent to which a school system is required to provide school health services as a related service to a student with disabilities. CHADD was one of a number of national organizations that signed on to an amicus curiae (friend of the court) brief drafted by the National Association of Protection and Advocacy Systems in support of the student, who had prevailed at due process and in the federal district and appellate courts. A decision is expected by the summer. The Maryland State Department of Education (MSDE) has begun the process of revising its special education regulations, which have not been revised since 1990. The proposed regulations were published in the Maryland Register; the deadline for submission of comments is February 5, 1999. Advocates who have reviewed the proposed regulations are hopeful that they will be revised again before being issued so that the needs of students with disabilities throughout the state can be better met. For more information about any of these issues, please feel free to call Leslie Seid Margolis or Alyssa Fieo at the Maryland Disability Law Center: (410) 727-6352.
Plan time to browse our library before the next meeting. We have over 80 books, audio-tapes and videos related to these issues available for circulation among members. You must be a current CH.A.D.D. member in good standing to borrow materials. Materials may be borrowed for up to one month. A $5.00 fine will be charged for overdue materials, and a replacement cost may be charged after two months. A deposit is requested for all videos borrowed. The library will be open at every general meeting. The materials are due back the following month or may be exchanged sooner by contacting the CH.A.D.D. line. Please make use of this great opportunity to broaden your knowledge base!!
Web site and On-line Book Store http://www.ncpamd.com/BaltoCHADD.htm or https://www.baltimorepsych.com/BaltoCHADD.htm Special thanks to Dr. Carol Watkins for setting up our award winning web page and obtaining our designation as a Barnes and Noble affiliate.
Baltimore County CHADD Officers Coordinator: Tish Michel, CPA, MBA Professional Advisory Board Betsy Campochiaro RN, MSN Membership has continued to grow rapidly in 1997. CH.A.D.D.’s national membership is over 37,000 individuals and our Baltimore Chapter membership has surged from 155 active members to 250 active members. That is over 40% in one year! We hope that this growth continues throughout 1998. There is strength in numbers, so please join our efforts in Baltimore. Our members receive the most up-to-date, reliable information available about ADD. If there is a new research breakthrough, our members read about it in the CH.A.D.D.ER BOX or ATTENTION! If there is an important issue before the US Congress, our members are alerted. Baltimore Chapter members receive
Ch.a.d.d. Membership form
Detach and mail to: Buy Books Through this Site New Address for CH.A.D.D. National Children and Adults with Attention Deficit Disorder 1-800-233-4050 The national office is right in our area now. We have already embarked on a joint project and anticipate much more!
Spring/Summer 1999 Editorial Advisors: HYPER-TALK is a semi-annual publication by CH.A.D.D. of Baltimore County. Placement of an advertisement in the newsletter does not represent an endorsement by CH.A.D.D. CH.A.D.D. of Baltimore County does not endorse any schools, businesses, treatment, or theory. Articles and announcements are for information purposes only. Articles, questions and letters to the editor/professional advisory board are welcome.
CH.A.D.D of Baltimore County #168 Phone 410-377-0249 Subscribe to Hyper~Talk CH.A.D.D of Baltimore County #168
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